Foam Number 02 Overlay Left Overlay Full Page Decorative Top I mean.. its an information box! Me but like.. smaller Cool little blue lights :) Page Wide Decorative Gradient Overlay

Hello!! Welcome to my portfolio page. My name is Alan Sanchez, a young programmer and artist with a love for rhythm and RPG games. Im a Junior at Mountain Ridge High School, and a first year in West-MEC Northeast Campus in the coding class. I started coding when I was around 8-9, the same time I got my first dinky laptop. Ever since then, Ive always had a passion for programming and to one day work at a video-game company, like Valve! Along with my passion to program and tinker with electronics, I also started to grow a passion for art! My older brother used to draw little comics when I was younger, and thanks to other friends helping me out, I started improving and focusing my art skills, which this page is littered with. I wanted this portfolio to get the same look as the Persona 3 Reload menu UI, which I am a huge fan of. Like mentioned before, I have a love for rhythm games, I'd say I'm pretty good at them. Same with FPS and RPG games! One fact I always like to share is that I am pretty young for my position, being both one of the youngest juniors in my school and the youngest first year in my class, but I won't let that stop me. Feel free to look around, and thank you for visiting my portfolio. <3

Now playing...